Request Metric is a Continuous Integration (CI) friendly performance REST tool with JUnit output.
* As is Software - no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. [DOWNLOAD]
usage: java -jar RequestMetric.jar [options] [arguments] (JDK 11+) --authentication Header request authentication separate from data file --data Excel data driven test case file --header JSON string of key/value pairs for request headers --help List of command line options --iteration Number of iteration loops (default set to 1) --output Excel statistical result file (default set to result.xls) --post POST method data if URL is specified (default set to GET method) --thread Number of concurrent threads executing simultaneously (default set to 1) --threshold The expected number of milliseconds or less than the 90% performnace mark --url URL to test (not needed if data file is specified) --version Application version The Excel data input file requires the first line to be a header row with the following column names: LABEL: A unique name for each test case row URL: The URL with optional parameter tokens denoted as ${column_name} POST: Post data with optional substitution tokens denoted as ${column_name} (optional) HEADER: Request header key/value pairs with JSON formatting VERIFY[n]: A regular expression to test against the response string (optional) [n]: 1..n regular expressions to test, e.g., VERIFY1, VERIFY2, ...VERIFYn [VARIABLE]: Optional column names for variable substitutions Example: java -jar RequestMetric.jar --data topic.xls --iteration 10 --thread 5topic.xls - data file