Sand Ark
Design Lab

Request Metric is a Continuous Integration (CI) friendly performance REST tool with JUnit output.

Request Metric XLS

* As is Software - no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. [DOWNLOAD]


usage: java -jar RequestMetric.jar [options] [arguments] (JDK 11+)

	Header request authentication separate from data file
	Excel data driven test case file
	JSON string of key/value pairs for request headers
	List of command line options
	Number of iteration loops (default set to 1)
	Excel statistical result file (default set to result.xls)
	POST method data if URL is specified (default set to GET method)
	Number of concurrent threads executing simultaneously (default set to 1)
	The expected number of milliseconds or less than the 90% performnace mark
	URL to test (not needed if data file is specified)
	Application version

The Excel data input file requires the first line to be a header row with the
following column names:

LABEL: A unique name for each test case row
URL: The URL with optional parameter tokens denoted as ${column_name}
POST: Post data with optional substitution tokens denoted as ${column_name} (optional)
HEADER: Request header key/value pairs with JSON formatting
VERIFY[n]: A regular expression to test against the response string (optional)
	[n]: 1..n regular expressions to test, e.g., VERIFY1, VERIFY2, ...VERIFYn 
[VARIABLE]: Optional column names for variable substitutions

Example: java -jar RequestMetric.jar --data topic.xls --iteration 10 --thread 5
topic.xls - data file


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